A Blog about why the Democrats had a perfect chance to lay claim to the next generation of voters - and then promptly blew it. Plus Other Political Opinion.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Russians Only People In World Who Took Kerry Proposal Seriously

Thats right folks its time to take a trip in my specially designed Time Machine!

Step right in, watch your head, and I push this little button... and... presto chango here we are back during the election!

Hmm... heres a story off the news wire... remember this one? Kerry said his plan on dealing with Iran was too... give them nuclear fuel!

Now it looks like the Russians are planning to do Kerry one better:

Russia wants to construct up to six new nuclear reactors for Iran, despite U.S. criticism of its assistance to the Islamic republic, Moscow's top nuclear boss was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

Are you asking why yet? Thats easy, follow the money, honey:

Moscow and Tehran, whose nuclear ties date back to the early 1990s, signed a fuel supply deal earlier this year that paved the way for Bushehr to start up in late 2006.

Not outraged yet? Go read the article.


The Russian Foriegn Minister respondes:

"All assertions that Russia is facilitating the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran are absolutely unfounded," Lavrov said in an interview with the Lebanon-based al-Watan al-Arabi magazine.

"Russia and Iran so far have no other nuclear energy projects except the Bushehr nuclear power plant," Lavrov said, emphasizing that according to a fuel supply deal signed by Moscow and Tehran earlier this year, Iran must return the plant's spent nuclear fuel to Moscow.

It looks like someone got caught...

Friday, June 17, 2005

House Passes Bill to Slash Funds to U.N.

From Yahoo.com:

Culminating years of frustration with the performance and behavior of the
United Nations, the House voted Friday to slash U.S. contributions to the world body if it does not substantially change the way it operates.

It is finally happened. The government has finally listened to the wishes of its people. Americans do not agree with the U.N. when it put Cuba on the Human Rights Commission, Americans do not agree with the U.N.'s anti-Americanism, Americans do not agree with U.N.'s anti-Israel, and Americans do not agree with Kofi giving away business contracts to his son who benefits from a murderous dictator's sleazy operations.

"We have had enough waivers, enough resolutions, enough statements," said House International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill., the author of the legislation. "It's time we had some teeth in reform."

The legislation would withhold half of U.S. dues to the U.N.'s general budget if the organization did not meet a list of demands for change. Failure to comply would also result in U.S. refusal to support expanded and new peacekeeping missions. The bill's prospects in the Senate are uncertain.

If the Senators vote against this bill (after Americans have heard about this bill), may God himself have mercy on the political souls of the Senators involved.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Michael Jackson Found Not Guilty

Thats right folks, MJs free!

I didn't think that he would be found guilty, but one could hope...

I wonder who CNN and the rest are going to focus on now?

Link in title didn't work, added it to "MJs free!" instead.

New Book About Clintons Alledges Bill Raped Hillary

I am a bit... ambivalent about this claim and book.

Its not so much the fact that I haven't read it and that I only have Bill's past actions to reflect on, but (yes, there is a but) we do not know if its true. And as far as I know there hasn't been any other person to corroborate any allegations that are made.

Does this sound like something "Slick Willy" would do? I don't know, ask Monica. But just because a story sounds like something the person would do, that doesn't automaticly mean that they did it.

Until more is know (and more proof is provided) I won't comment (any more then I already have) on this.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

TIME.com has excerpts from a secret GITMO interrogation log

Now that TIME has gotten their hands on a log that wasn't supposed to leave the base they have splashed it on their website. Now we will see if the Torture At Gitmo hysteria is worth.

Lets see what we can find, shall we?

"0225: The detainee arrives at the interrogation booth a Camp X-Ray. His hood is removed and he is bolted to the floor. SGT A and SGT R are the interrogators. A DoD linguist and MAJ L (BSCT) are present

0235: Session begins. The detainee refuses to look at SGT A "due to his religion. This is a rapport building session.

0240:Detainee states he's on hunger strike. SGT A explains the affects of a hunger strike on the body. SGT A runs "love of brothers in Cuba" approach. "

Sure sounds like torture right? Well lets read on...

"0320: The detainee refused to answer whether he wanted water. SGT R explained with emphasis that not answering disrespects SGT A and embarrasses him. The detainee said no, he didn't want water. The detainee continues to say he's on hunger strike.

0345: The detainee dozed off during a break. SGT R woke him up.

0355: SGT R wakes up detainee again. "

TORTURE!!!! How dare a guard wake up a prisoner?!?! Lets read on somemore and see what we find:

"0450: Interrogators take a break. Detainee goes to the bathroom

0520: Interrogations resumes. The detainee refuses food and water.

0540: SGT A begins 9/11 theme. The detainee asks to pray and is refused.

0550: Detainee drinks __ bottle of water and states after this he is on strike, he refuses food. "

Yeah this sure sounds like torture to me. How dare them try to get him to drink water and answer a question? Lets read on:

"1115: Interrogators began telling detainee how ungrateful and grumpy he was. In order to escalate the detainee's emotions, a mask was made from an MRE box with a smily face on it and placed on the detainee's head for a few moments. A latex glove was inflated and labeled the "sissy slap" glove. The glove was touched to the detainee's face periodically after explaining the terminology to him. The mask was placed back on the detainee's head. While wearing the mask, the team began dance instruction with the detainee. The detainee became agitated and began shouting."

Didn't the guards know? He wanted to do the Mamba, not the Waltz! Lets keep reading:

"1115: Detainee offered water, —refused. Corpsman changed ankle bandages to prevent chafing. Interrogater began by reminding the detainee about the lessons in respect and how the detainee had disrespected the interrogators. Told detainee that a dog is held in higher esteem because dogs know right from wrong and know how to protect innocent people from bad people [Good Point!- M.J.]. Began teaching the detainee lessons such as stay, come, and bark to elevate his social status up to that of a dog. Detainee became very agitated."

I'm sorry Glen Reynolds (Instapundit), but that deserves a "Heh" if anything does! Reading is fundamential so lets keep doing it:

"2223: As I began to inform the detainee of the changes the Saudi government has been making in order to support the efforts of peace and terror free world I began to engage closeness with the detainee [I really, really hope that this was a woman interigator. If not GITMO may have more wrong with it then the libs give it credit for!- M.J.]. This really evoked strong emotions within the detainee. He attempted to move away from me by all means. He was laid out on the floor so I straddled him without putting my weight on him. He would then attempt to move me off of him by bending his legs in order to lift me off but this failed because the MPs were holding his legs down with their hands. The detainee began to pray loudly but this did not stop me from finishing informing the detainee about the Al Qaeda member, Qaed Salim Sinan al Harethi aka Abu Ali, that was killed by the CIA."

Can I go to GITMO? Please, please, please! So long as the womans good looking of course...


Not torture, not even close. Most guys would give their... ahem... to be in that position. Please, as if, not even close to torture.

But you watch and see. The Democrats will be all over this like ugly on Kerrys college picture.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Liberals kill what they don't understand (Part 3)

(I broke the other two posts up so I might as well do it again.)

Finally we get to a topic that liberals don't understand that can effect everyone of us for a long, long time.

Or a very short time if you live in a place that is considered a terrorist target.

The War on Terrorism is something that should be so simple that a child can understand it, but liberals seem determined to prove that no, they do not have the intellectual capabilities of a child.

The War on Terrorism is so very simple it can be summed up like this:

They hate us and have killed some of us. In order to make them stop killing us we have to either kill them all or kill enough of them so that they won't try to kill us anymore.

That is what the War on Terrorism is about. Its not about Muslim-American relations, its not about killing Muslims or Arabs, its not about listening to CAIR, its not about giving the Palestinians a state (although that might help). Nine tenths of it is about fixing a major problem in a part of the world that can't fix it themselves so they leave it for us to do. The other tenth is about making sure that this sort of thing never ever happens again. Ever.

But liberals do not understand this because, well they are liberals after all. They don't get the fact that we have to take action against the people who attacked us. They don't get the fact that they attacked us. They don't get the fact that we retaliated to a large scale murder that took place in front of our stunned faces.

They think its about everything except for what it really is about. I have heard every reason under the sun about what happened on 9/11. Every conspiracy theory, every "The FBI did it!", every "The Jews did it!", every "The C.I.A. did it!", every "Bush knew it was going to happen!", every single reason except what actually happened.

Why can liberals not see what happened? Because it goes against major parts of their political tenets. Another part of it is that I think that they to where surprised and scared. The "pre-9/11" libs had spent their whole life attacking America and taking a podshot whenever they could. They where so used to thinking that America is the most evil thing in the world that many of them actually believed it. They took their own bait- hook, line and sinker. They showed themselves the proof. They believed it was more evil for America to accidentally execute innocent people on death row then for tens of thousands of Kurds and Shiites to either be subjected to chemical warfare that hadn't been seen in the Western world since WWI or just disappear. They believed it was more evil of America to allow poor people to live on the streets then for the Chinese and other Communist countries to force their poor people into strick hard labor camps or just killing them.

And the libs complain about American prisoners being given a job making $1.50 an hour making license plates and other rudimentary crafts!

The Libs had deluded themselves to a point where there was no other bad people in the world except for Americans.

Then 4 airplanes crashed in 2 hours. 2 airplanes deliberately smashed themselves into the World Trade Center. 1 plane deliberately slammed into the Pentagon. And 1 airplane missed its target because Americans decided to prevent more people from dying. They took it upon themselves to die in the place of the intended target.

I was not a lib on 9/11. I was barely interested in politics, but the libs on that day where faced with something that took their self-delusions and ripped them asunder like the worthless fabric that it was. They where faced with the idea that there was someone more evil then America on this planet. These little piddly things they organized protested, signed petitions, and yelled into bullhorns about where suddenly child's play compared to the willingness to commit suicide in order to kill that the hijackers showed on that day. The liberal idea of America as the sole evil was destroyed so utterly that they had to either face facts and acknowledge that America wasn't all that bad after all or delude themselves that much more intensely and with much more passion.

Sadly the average liberal chose the path of least resistance. They chose to roll over and say "Its not like we're any better. They are just like us, repressed until they lash out. That's all it was, they just lashed out."

They when back to sleep. And asleep they shall stay until something happen to trigger their alarm clock. What the trigger is I don't know, but at the rate that their passing through R.E.M sleep I don't know if I want to know or see it happen.

Liberals kill what they don't understand (Part 2)

(I was planning to continue the post, but my itchy mouse finger clicked on Publish Post too soon.)

Liberals are also protesting their pants off because of the Iraq War. This is just another case of the Liberal not understanding why something is the way it is so they're trying to kill it.

In their very, very weird way. (source: Drudge Report)

Instead of taking off their clothes and riding around naked they should be wondering why they are protesting something that has deposed another dictator and fascist, freed more people then a stupid naked bike ride, and increased the number of representative governments by one. Instead of protesting they should be supporting it! Instead of embracing the Iraqi people they are snubbing their collective noses at them by saying to them basically "Your not worth Democracy. Your not worth our time."

Why are they doing that? Because they don't understand what is happening and when a human doesn't feel in control of the situation they do either one of two things:
  • They try to get back their control. Example: Napoleon converting the island that he was exiled on into his own private country.
  • They get angry and hostile and try to strike back in order to alleviate their discomfort.

The current day Libs are trying to do both and because of that they are doing neither well. They feel they have to get back their control of Washington in order to appease the unions, the business types, and the only slightly liberal part of their party. On the other hand they feel they have to attack because they have to appease the "Other" part of the Democratic Party. What is the "Other" you ask? They are the part that votes "Other" come Nov. 2. They vote for the Green Party, the Communist Party. Basically they're so liberal that they are liberals with a 42-point, capitalized, written in red, "L" in their political beliefs scorecard.

Until the Mainstream Democratic Party picks their side they will continue to go on the same road that they're going on. And if left unchecked Dr. Dean will be sure to push the party his way. (we all know which way that is!)

Liberals kill what they don't understand

Today I was pondering why the Democrats are the way they are and I came up with this:

Liberals kill what they don't understand.

What do I mean by this? Well I'll give you an example;

The NRA. Liberals have been nashing their teeth over this group (and the ideas it stands for) for a very long time. The question that you have to ask isn't necessarily what are they doing, but more importantly why are they doing what they're doing?

Why are Liberals attacking an organization that supports the Constitution, seeks to allow the citizens of America to defend themselves how they best see fit, and to defend the right of firearms to exist as a means of self defense?

The conclusion that I've come to is that they just simply do not understand what it is so they're going to go kill it. They do not understand what NRA does or who they represent.

If you look at what a Liberal is attacking you will begin to see my point. The list of things that Liberals try (and sometimes succeed) to kill is long and varied, but here are a couple more examples;

    Border Control
    Iraq War
    War on Terrorism


    George Bush in General

In order for the Liberal position on all of these issues to make sense you have to drop all understanding about them. You can not consider Border Control to be a racist policy unless you do not understand what Border Control actually is. Border Control is just that, Border Control. If you see Border Control as racist, oppressive, or cruel then you do not understand what it is. And thus, the Liberal will attempt to kill it by taking away its funds, interfering with the people whose jobs it is to enforce the policy (I don't have a link to the story, but I remember a news piece about a group of people who planned to follow the Border Patrol and bang pots and pans together so the illegals would know that the Patrol was coming), and complaining about it via editorials, T.V. programs, and other miscellaneous news outlets.

The war of words with liberals isn't so much as converting them, but protecting the normal people around them from their ignorance.

GOP Chairman Walks Out of Meeting on PATRIOT Act


WASHINGTON -- The Republican chairman walked off with the gavel, leaving Democrats shouting into turned-off microphones at a raucous hearing Friday on the Patriot Act.

The House Judiciary Committee hearing, with the two sides accusing each other of being irresponsible and undemocratic, came as President Bush was urging Congress to renew those sections of the post-Sept. 11 counterterrorism law set to expire in September.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the panel, abruptly gaveled the meeting to an end and walked out, followed by other Republicans. Sensenbrenner declared that much of the testimony, which veered into debate over the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, was irrelevant.

Wondering why a meeting goes into a debate over Gitmo? Well take a look at who was there:

Democrats asked for the hearing, the 11th the committee has held on the act since April, saying past hearings had been too slanted toward witnesses who supported the law
. The four witnesses were from groups, including Amnesty International USA and the American Immigration Lawyers Association, that have questioned the constitutionality of some aspects of the act, which allows law enforcement greater authority to investigate suspected terrorists.
Democrats ask for the meeting about the PATRIOT Act and they bring Amnesty International with them?

What did the Republicans (spelling edited-MJ) think that was going to happen? Amnesty International hates Gitmo, wants it closed (or wants Bush sent there, because you know, there aren't any real terrorists there), and wants known terrorists freed!

Amnesty International is going over the edge faster then the Democratic Party. If the Dem's hope to get their good name back they have to break ties with these kinds of people.

Allow me to introduce myself...

Hello World!

My name is Marc J. and I think that I should put something up, at lest until I get more used to this.

Quick intro,

This is my first blog. I don't know for sure if this blog will be strickly political (as you can probably tell from the title) or if I will toss in a little of everything.

We'll see, eh?

Friday, June 10, 2005

Organizing Time!

Okay I need a checklist or something to make sure I can stay motivated. Lets see:

Set up my Links: somewhat done.
Work on important post: haven't even thought about it.
Set up a schedule: considering different things and features. (More on this later!)
Work on a summing up piece of what this blog is about: considering and working on it.
Special surprise that may or may not happen: I need to check my email on that...

Well that looks like everything for a bit...