A Blog about why the Democrats had a perfect chance to lay claim to the next generation of voters - and then promptly blew it. Plus Other Political Opinion.

Friday, June 17, 2005

House Passes Bill to Slash Funds to U.N.

From Yahoo.com:

Culminating years of frustration with the performance and behavior of the
United Nations, the House voted Friday to slash U.S. contributions to the world body if it does not substantially change the way it operates.

It is finally happened. The government has finally listened to the wishes of its people. Americans do not agree with the U.N. when it put Cuba on the Human Rights Commission, Americans do not agree with the U.N.'s anti-Americanism, Americans do not agree with U.N.'s anti-Israel, and Americans do not agree with Kofi giving away business contracts to his son who benefits from a murderous dictator's sleazy operations.

"We have had enough waivers, enough resolutions, enough statements," said House International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill., the author of the legislation. "It's time we had some teeth in reform."

The legislation would withhold half of U.S. dues to the U.N.'s general budget if the organization did not meet a list of demands for change. Failure to comply would also result in U.S. refusal to support expanded and new peacekeeping missions. The bill's prospects in the Senate are uncertain.

If the Senators vote against this bill (after Americans have heard about this bill), may God himself have mercy on the political souls of the Senators involved.


Blogger Marc J. said...

Marc, look the U.N. is not doing it's job, but we need the U.N.

The U.N.s not doing its job, but we need it anyway?

I don't think so.

We as citizens from the great old u.s.a, don't know how life is anywhere else except here, we don't want reform or anything of that form but others do.

Did you even read the article? The point of this bill is to withhold funding until the U.N. reforms itself. Why is that a bad thing? Is it just because we (America) suggested it? Talk about a double standard...

Others look at the U.N and feel that there is hope and try and make there nation better,

Just like the Congo, right? Where U.N. Peacekeepers kil, burn and rape their way through the country? Or in other countries where the U.N. troops use pleasure boys for fun.

but when we take the U.N away, its power, we are telling those poeple 'We don't support the U.N., so we don't care about you'

I think that you look at the U.N. in a different light then the rest of the world. The world sees the U.N. as a place to get American money/ Poke America in the ribs because we can't do anything about it.

6/27/2005 7:10 PM


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