A Blog about why the Democrats had a perfect chance to lay claim to the next generation of voters - and then promptly blew it. Plus Other Political Opinion.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Russians Only People In World Who Took Kerry Proposal Seriously

Thats right folks its time to take a trip in my specially designed Time Machine!

Step right in, watch your head, and I push this little button... and... presto chango here we are back during the election!

Hmm... heres a story off the news wire... remember this one? Kerry said his plan on dealing with Iran was too... give them nuclear fuel!

Now it looks like the Russians are planning to do Kerry one better:

Russia wants to construct up to six new nuclear reactors for Iran, despite U.S. criticism of its assistance to the Islamic republic, Moscow's top nuclear boss was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

Are you asking why yet? Thats easy, follow the money, honey:

Moscow and Tehran, whose nuclear ties date back to the early 1990s, signed a fuel supply deal earlier this year that paved the way for Bushehr to start up in late 2006.

Not outraged yet? Go read the article.


The Russian Foriegn Minister respondes:

"All assertions that Russia is facilitating the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran are absolutely unfounded," Lavrov said in an interview with the Lebanon-based al-Watan al-Arabi magazine.

"Russia and Iran so far have no other nuclear energy projects except the Bushehr nuclear power plant," Lavrov said, emphasizing that according to a fuel supply deal signed by Moscow and Tehran earlier this year, Iran must return the plant's spent nuclear fuel to Moscow.

It looks like someone got caught...


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