A Blog about why the Democrats had a perfect chance to lay claim to the next generation of voters - and then promptly blew it. Plus Other Political Opinion.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Liberals kill what they don't understand (Part 3)

(I broke the other two posts up so I might as well do it again.)

Finally we get to a topic that liberals don't understand that can effect everyone of us for a long, long time.

Or a very short time if you live in a place that is considered a terrorist target.

The War on Terrorism is something that should be so simple that a child can understand it, but liberals seem determined to prove that no, they do not have the intellectual capabilities of a child.

The War on Terrorism is so very simple it can be summed up like this:

They hate us and have killed some of us. In order to make them stop killing us we have to either kill them all or kill enough of them so that they won't try to kill us anymore.

That is what the War on Terrorism is about. Its not about Muslim-American relations, its not about killing Muslims or Arabs, its not about listening to CAIR, its not about giving the Palestinians a state (although that might help). Nine tenths of it is about fixing a major problem in a part of the world that can't fix it themselves so they leave it for us to do. The other tenth is about making sure that this sort of thing never ever happens again. Ever.

But liberals do not understand this because, well they are liberals after all. They don't get the fact that we have to take action against the people who attacked us. They don't get the fact that they attacked us. They don't get the fact that we retaliated to a large scale murder that took place in front of our stunned faces.

They think its about everything except for what it really is about. I have heard every reason under the sun about what happened on 9/11. Every conspiracy theory, every "The FBI did it!", every "The Jews did it!", every "The C.I.A. did it!", every "Bush knew it was going to happen!", every single reason except what actually happened.

Why can liberals not see what happened? Because it goes against major parts of their political tenets. Another part of it is that I think that they to where surprised and scared. The "pre-9/11" libs had spent their whole life attacking America and taking a podshot whenever they could. They where so used to thinking that America is the most evil thing in the world that many of them actually believed it. They took their own bait- hook, line and sinker. They showed themselves the proof. They believed it was more evil for America to accidentally execute innocent people on death row then for tens of thousands of Kurds and Shiites to either be subjected to chemical warfare that hadn't been seen in the Western world since WWI or just disappear. They believed it was more evil of America to allow poor people to live on the streets then for the Chinese and other Communist countries to force their poor people into strick hard labor camps or just killing them.

And the libs complain about American prisoners being given a job making $1.50 an hour making license plates and other rudimentary crafts!

The Libs had deluded themselves to a point where there was no other bad people in the world except for Americans.

Then 4 airplanes crashed in 2 hours. 2 airplanes deliberately smashed themselves into the World Trade Center. 1 plane deliberately slammed into the Pentagon. And 1 airplane missed its target because Americans decided to prevent more people from dying. They took it upon themselves to die in the place of the intended target.

I was not a lib on 9/11. I was barely interested in politics, but the libs on that day where faced with something that took their self-delusions and ripped them asunder like the worthless fabric that it was. They where faced with the idea that there was someone more evil then America on this planet. These little piddly things they organized protested, signed petitions, and yelled into bullhorns about where suddenly child's play compared to the willingness to commit suicide in order to kill that the hijackers showed on that day. The liberal idea of America as the sole evil was destroyed so utterly that they had to either face facts and acknowledge that America wasn't all that bad after all or delude themselves that much more intensely and with much more passion.

Sadly the average liberal chose the path of least resistance. They chose to roll over and say "Its not like we're any better. They are just like us, repressed until they lash out. That's all it was, they just lashed out."

They when back to sleep. And asleep they shall stay until something happen to trigger their alarm clock. What the trigger is I don't know, but at the rate that their passing through R.E.M sleep I don't know if I want to know or see it happen.


Blogger Marc J. said...

I don't like bush becuase he dosen't tell the truth

If he doesn't tell the truth can you give me one example of where he lied?

Understand marc, we are fighting a war in a country that really didnt shit to do with the war on terror.

So what is your requirement for a country to have something to do with the War on Terror?

The only reason we in Iraq is to draw the nuts out to iraq so we can bomb them and a few other arabs.

That was a reason, but not the only reason.

Bush, I think, is alright, his doing a decent job

Wait, didn't you just call Bush a liar? Witness folks, the melt down of the modern day liberal!

bush (though he dosen't always support the rep. views) his the poaster boy...So his the target.

I could live with that if this was just about Politics, but the Democrats have made this more then Politics. The Democrats sincerly hate Bush and all he stands for. That kind of hate can't be attributed to "just politics as normal".

Reps are doomed anyways

Oh really? Give me one example of another place the average voter can go?

People are loseing hope that we are going to get out of iraq

You just took a huge step off a small pier. People are not "losing hope that we will get out of Iraq", we can always get out of places. Saigon, Somalia, Iran... do these places ring a bell? What people are loseing hope in is that we can win in Iraq. Those are two very different things.

So hopefully we can see some new blood

Hopefully yes, but unfortuanitily I don't know where it would come from.

I guess where just going to have to wait until the primaries to see.

6/29/2005 9:25 AM


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