A Blog about why the Democrats had a perfect chance to lay claim to the next generation of voters - and then promptly blew it. Plus Other Political Opinion.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Liberals kill what they don't understand

Today I was pondering why the Democrats are the way they are and I came up with this:

Liberals kill what they don't understand.

What do I mean by this? Well I'll give you an example;

The NRA. Liberals have been nashing their teeth over this group (and the ideas it stands for) for a very long time. The question that you have to ask isn't necessarily what are they doing, but more importantly why are they doing what they're doing?

Why are Liberals attacking an organization that supports the Constitution, seeks to allow the citizens of America to defend themselves how they best see fit, and to defend the right of firearms to exist as a means of self defense?

The conclusion that I've come to is that they just simply do not understand what it is so they're going to go kill it. They do not understand what NRA does or who they represent.

If you look at what a Liberal is attacking you will begin to see my point. The list of things that Liberals try (and sometimes succeed) to kill is long and varied, but here are a couple more examples;

    Border Control
    Iraq War
    War on Terrorism


    George Bush in General

In order for the Liberal position on all of these issues to make sense you have to drop all understanding about them. You can not consider Border Control to be a racist policy unless you do not understand what Border Control actually is. Border Control is just that, Border Control. If you see Border Control as racist, oppressive, or cruel then you do not understand what it is. And thus, the Liberal will attempt to kill it by taking away its funds, interfering with the people whose jobs it is to enforce the policy (I don't have a link to the story, but I remember a news piece about a group of people who planned to follow the Border Patrol and bang pots and pans together so the illegals would know that the Patrol was coming), and complaining about it via editorials, T.V. programs, and other miscellaneous news outlets.

The war of words with liberals isn't so much as converting them, but protecting the normal people around them from their ignorance.


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