A Blog about why the Democrats had a perfect chance to lay claim to the next generation of voters - and then promptly blew it. Plus Other Political Opinion.

Monday, September 26, 2005

March of the moonbats

Charles over at Little Green Footballs has pictures from one of the recent peace thingys in Los Angelos and this picture speaks volumes to me.

Look at the guy holding the white sign with light blue lettering. Read what it says and then look at the guys arm.

Does the arm look black to you? No, it's white. White people have been demonised for decades about the "sensitive usage" of that word, (and it's many, many derivitives) so why is the black guy next to him not saying anything about it? It could be that he doesn't see it or that he's busy, but someone, somewhere must have seen this sign.

If it's not okay for a regular white person to use that word, why is it okay for a crazed moonbat to use it?


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