A Blog about why the Democrats had a perfect chance to lay claim to the next generation of voters - and then promptly blew it. Plus Other Political Opinion.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Special Post! All things explained!

First thing you need to know is that I write better inspired. Second thing you need to know is that's why there isn't a lot of posts up.

Without further ado, here is my "Why?" post. In which that I answer all questions that I can think that anyone might ask about this blog.

Y'all better like it too, or else I might take a page out of Frank J.'s book. (No, not the girlfriend part, the last part...)

I've gotten sidetracked. Here's the d@mned post...

Why are you a blogger?

If you have a blog does that automatically make you a blogger? I hope so, because if not I messed up this dudes survey.

Anyway, I write on this blog to illustrate my points about why that Republicans are better then Democrats.*

*Not in every case as you will see later.

Why is this blog called "Almost A Democrat"?

Because it explains me in so many ways. And since this is my blog, it should reflect me. (There is a co-contributor, but for some reason he just leaves comments instead of posts)

I was almost a democrat. By that I mean that I could have become a democrat. I'm young, white, D.C. area, male. I'm not a Christian. I don't think GTA is the work of the devil and I don't burn books because they're "Harry Potter" books.

But back almost 4 years ago (I was 13, prime time for the dims to come and gotten me) something happened.

As many of you do also, I remember exactly where I was when I first heard about it and where I was when I saw the first images. I remember a lot about that day and I hope I never forget any of it.

The day that happened, the President came on the T.V. and said we would find out who did it and bring them to justice. When we found out who did it and where they where we went out to get them.

And the Democrats began complaining. They complained about every, possible, thing. I'm serious, they complained about how we shouldn't get involved, how we don't know what we're doing, etc.

I said on many an occasion, yes we know what we're doing. Its called payback, 3,000+ style.

Why did you start this blog?

Because I wanted to become cool like Frank J., John Hawkins, Matt Drudge, and Charles Johnson.

Or even a God such as, dare I invoke his name?, Glenn Reynolds.

A part of it is also the fact that I want to become President someday and I don't want people to be all like "Who is this guy?" or say "He's a faker!" or any such thing. Thus, my blog. This will (maybe) be a record to my early political years.

That plus the 2004 election made me more political then ever. So, viola! A political blog.

Isn't The Drudge Report a news site?

Yes, but does that make him less cool?

Isn't Frank J. a humorist?

Yes, but if I say lots of nice things about him maybe he'll tell me what "IMAO" means. That plus he frickin' hilarious! You ever read his "In My World"'s? Very funny stuff!

Why do you slant Conservative?

I most certainly do not, thank you very much. I am not a "Conservative" and I hope I never become one. I am a Republican. Yes, there is a difference. But that's a topic for a different post...

For example, I'm a Republican because of Bush. I'm not a Conservative because of Billy Graham.

Well I guess that's all the questions you all might have... What? You have more questions?!? This blogging thing is hard work... well put them in the comments and I'll look them over.


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11/04/2006 10:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11/04/2006 10:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11/04/2006 10:36 AM


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