A Blog about why the Democrats had a perfect chance to lay claim to the next generation of voters - and then promptly blew it. Plus Other Political Opinion.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Muslim Man Killed In UK

A Muslim man was killed in Britain over what the police think to be a hate crime. They are asking for witnesses and promise to prosecute the persons responsible for it.

Which is all well and good, but its not enough for the Muslim community. They want it labeled an "Islamophobic hate crime".

Bonus question for today; what's the difference between an Islamophobic hate crime and a regular hate crime? Answer: Islamophobic hate crimes look better in the statistics of ANSWER and the U.N.

I was slightly interested in this part of the Guardian report:

Muslim leaders last night said the killing and the fact that it was Islamophobic would heighten anxiety in their communities, which was already high before the London bombings and which has deepened with every report of attacks.

So... The question is why was anxiety high in a pre-bombing British Muslim community? What are they so afraid of? This isn't the Taliban where you get your head chopped off if you say the wrong thing, why are they afraid?

Also, this part interested me a little:

Mr Ali added that the murder would stoke fears among Britain's 1.6 million Muslims: "This has sent shivers down the community.

So let me get this straight...

1 person out of 1.6 million people are murdered and "it sends shivers down the community".

3,000+ people are murdered out of 300 million people and we are urged by the same people who have links to the murderers "(T)o avoid war as a response to the terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon"

Love the double standard here...

P.S. I've been reading the site that I quoted in "avoid war as a response" and I could write about 5 posts about what this ingnorant site has to offer. Maybe I will, maybe I won't...


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